Knowing the qualifications of candidates running for public office is imperative for an educated vote. Below is a simplified resume of Leela’s 48 years, over 40 of those have been spent living and working in Chestermere Strathmore. Many of these experiences have lead to extensive dealings with various levels of Government, the direct handling of multi-million dollar budgets and the requirement to put others interests ahead of her own. As an MLA Leela works for and is accountable to you. Her first Private Members Bill in 2015 was the Recall Act, defeated by the NDP majority, which would have allowed constituents to hold their MLA accountable between elections.
Leela is currently the UCP’s Deputy Leader and last served in the Legislature as UCP Critic for Children’s Services and Status of Women. She formerly held the Shadow Ministries of Energy and Education under the legacy Wildrose party. She is also a successful musician and business owner.
After reading about Leela’s extensive experience I think you will agree that she has the skills and experience to be the most effective representative for Chestermere Strathmore
(in reverse chronological order)
CEO, SLAM Industries (small Alberta real estate investments, Aheer Studio of Performance, and small business investments)
- JOINT OWNER, West Creek Autowash
- TREASURER, private Investment Company (small international real estate investment firm based in Alberta)
- PARTNER, Chestermere Health Centre building (Prime Funds)
- LEAD ARTIST, successful recording and nationally released vocal group, “Minvera“
- MUSIC STUDIO OWNER/OPERATOR, primarily providing voice training, theory, music education, song writing, musical theatre, and performance training.
- VICE PRESIDENT, Gas Station/convenience store that is now “Husky Pineridge”
- University of Calgary, 3 Years of Political Science, 3 Years Music
- University of Manitoba, 2 Years of Music
- Mount Royal College, 2 Years of Music and Psychology
- Chestermere High School & Conrich Elementary
She is very proud that she averages more than 50 volunteer events per year. Awarded Chestermere’s 2013 Volunteer Of The Year, below is sampling of her vast volunteer experience,
- Dozens of UCP (formerly Wild Rose Party) events ranging from performing live at many events to being actively involved in Party activities
- Chestermere’s Christmas with Dignity, every year since it’s 2010 inception
- World’s Longest Hockey Game in 2012 and 2014
- Chestermere Fireman’s Gala
- Central Memorial High School’s Big Band Dinner and Dance 2011 – 2014
- Chestermere United Way Wine & Cheese fundraiser
- Alberta Cancer Society fundraiser
- Chestermere Minor Hockey
- Alberta Children’s Hospital, Christmas for many years
- CRCA Fall Fair
- Youth Singers of Calgary
- Alberta Arts Days
- World Wide Wow
- The Meow Foundation
- For the Love of Children Society
- Born in Edmonton, Alberta
- Raised in Chestermere, Alberta
- Raising a family in Chestermere now:
- Happily married and raising two boys:
- one 22 year old who attended:
- Praire Waters Elementary, Chestermere Lake Middle School, Reading Foundation, Green Academy, Central Memorial High School for the Performing Arts
- Victoria Conservatory Of Music (current)
- one 20 year old with special needs who attended:
- Renfrew, The Reading Foundation, Green Academy, Chestermere High School (current)
- one 22 year old who attended:
- Happily married and raising two boys:
- Education from Elementary to Post Secondary to Special Needs; Leela has had serious involvement and a great interest in all levels and facets of our education systems for many years. She is a strong advocate for parental choice in education
- Outdoor activities like hiking, street hockey, swimming and indoor activities like working out at the gym are a regular part of Leela Sharon Aheer’s life
- Good governance of both public systems like the Alberta Government and private systems like various Boards of Directors are in a constant discussion with Leela’s family, friends and business associates